Monday, April 28, 2008

Small Break

I am taking a small vacation from the website. I am on break and don't get them often. Don't worry! I'll be back before you know it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The 10 Minute Difference

Yes. And I KNOW! Both these pictures are the same sunset, I took them about 10 minutes apart. It's what I have always talked about in this blog, clouds change shapes and colors so rapidly it is truly amazing. I am glad I finally did something like this. I could say more but I wont. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Pink Heart

Do you see it? It's right in the middle of the picture. The heart that belongs to the sky. And it's broken? Why! Who did this to you sky? Was it the Sun? Just give me the word and i'll finish the job. Dont be sad! Seriously, here have a cookie. And remember Sky -- tomorrow is always another day.

PS - I am thinking about starting a little game on this site where I subtly name things I see in the picture into the labels of the post. I wont really talk about the labels but you can debate with yourself if you see them or not. Or even feel free to comment if you see something I didn't.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blue and White Sunrises

This color formation is not uncommon for sunrises over here, and after a few minutes the clouds turn to their stereotypical white for the rest of the day. But what intrigues me is what causes some to be blue and others to be white during the sunrise? Is it density? Is it temperature? Is it something else the world may never know? possibly.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Funnel Like Shape

I really like the cloud formation on this one. You know how in cartoons you see a Greek good blowing and a gust of wind blows out similar to the formation above? it's a stretch but thats what I imagine when I see this picture. Sorry -- there is nothing you can do about it. I already committed it to memory.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Colorless Sunsets

Just another sunset to be. For some reason I dont feel the same way about clouds when they are average and colorless -- like in this picture. Color and a shapes are what keeps me interesed in staring at the sky for minutes at a time. But it's ok, i'll be fine.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

A Prehistoric Sunset

Prehistoric looking right? Sure, why not. You associate things to what you are familiar with and have experienced. This sunset reminds me of a movie I watched when I was younger called The Land Before Time which is about dinosaurs. The cloud formation and the mountains on the distant horizon give it that oh-so stereotypical prehistoric sunset look.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Brights and Darks

It surprised me at how varied the shades came out on this one. Normally you don't expect to see such a wide use of brights and darks in the sky. Every inch is interesting because you dont see any stereotypical shapes or even colors. Clouds 1, Me 0.